Mayr Antriebstechnik has been offering since spring Online seminars on the subject safety clutches and Safety brakes as an alternative to the tried and tested on-site seminars. The content of the webinars is based on the central component of the drive specialist's corporate philosophy, which makes the movements of machines and systems safer. From autumn there will be more training courses.

Mayr webinar


Online seminar baptism of fire passed

“The first online seminars took place in July and were very well received. We have therefore expanded the range, ”explained Dr.-Ing. Benedict Biechele, Training coordinator at Mayr in Mauerstetten. From autumn 2020, the drive specialist will be offering online seminars on selected specialist topics such as the options for electrical control, the influencing factors of the braking torque, sensorless monitoring of brakes or the main idea of ​​high balance quality in shaft couplings and safety couplings. After each lecture, the speakers answer selected questions from the participants.

“We have our proven seminars in the new one Training Center further developed and have been offering since spring Webinars to the basics of securitykupplung and securityslow down as well as expert training on selected specialist topics ”, explains Dr.-Ing. Benedict Biechele, Training coordinator at Mayr in Mauerstetten.

Dimension and choose correctly

The participants are qualified, the safety components taking into account all physical factors and conditions to be selected and dimensioned in such a way that personal injury and property damage are excluded.

“We have the online seminars independent of the Corona pandemic developed as an alternative to on-site seminars in order to offer our customers and employees around the world easier and more flexible access to our training and information offerings. The offer now fits in well with the rapidly changing communication channels ”, adds Dr. Biechele. The webinars at Mayr address themselves to Specialists and managers, designers, developers and safety officer from mechanical engineering and are offered in German and English. The first webinar starts on July 14, 2020.

New dates in autumn

The offer is continuously being expanded. The online seminar series in autumn starts on October 14th and runs until December 10th, 2020. You can find the current dates in our calendar of events. Give to this Mayr in the calendar search mask.

Customer training at Mayr in Mauerstetten

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