for mechanical and plant engineering
Exciting insights into scientific findings from colleges, universities and institutes based on engineering sciences
Image: Dassault Systèmes
for mechanical and plant engineering
Exciting insights into scientific findings from colleges, universities and institutes based on engineering sciences
Image: Dassault Systèmes
We present results from the field Applied Research or applied sciences. Students, graduates, professors and other employees at universities, institutes and companies give exciting insights into their scientific knowledge based on engineering for example Drive Technology, Automation, Electrical Engineering, Automotive engineering, Medical Technology and food technology, to name just a few.
Institute and University as well as the Research departments of companies create new trends based on their research findings from the individual sciences. In addition to basic research, applied research usually focuses on specific applications that are raised to a new level through new scientific findings. Research results often become the trendsetter or problem solver.
Various universities and the departments of the Fraunhofer Institute report on their research results - find out more about the Trends of the future!
A current research project by BEN Buchele shows the potential of synchronous reluctance machines. The company is developing a synchronous reluctance machine for an automobile test bench that is intended to increase the blow-out speed of a cross-flow air blower from 160 km/h to 180 km/h without changing the size of the motor.
The scientists of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have produced an insect repellent using a 3D printer. The 3D printer first encapsulates the insect repellent and then shapes it into the desired form. This could be, for example, a ring that the user wears on their finger.
At the TUM The processing of new materials using existing manufacturing methods in bending technology has been taken on. On a free-form bending machine from J. New plays the IoT CNC control module DAU from Mitsubishi Electric an important role. The Chair of Forming Technology and Foundry Engineering is currently researching projects that could bring about decisive further developments in bending technology.
Sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and cosmetics are building up nanoparticles, so that they can use nanomaterials to give their products special properties. The Med Uni Graz spin-off and deep-tech company Brave Analytics, in cooperation with the University of Graz has now achieved a breakthrough in counting nanoparticles: you count the small particles in real time and make them patentede technology fit for the way into the industry.
The economic consequences of unstable supply chains illustrate the importance of microelectronics, especially related to the current one chip shortage, Loud Fraunhofer technology sovereignty in research and development is required in order to be prepared for the future. New production facilities are also required in Europe. The High Performance Center for Functional Integration in Micro/Nanoelectronics faces this challenge. It bundles the competencies of several institutes.
Goal of Kirk, a research and development project for AI-based robot calibration is to develop new software-driven calibration methods from Industrial robotsn through Machine learning to develop and increase their accuracy. The initiators of the joint project are the University of Stuttgart, the DHBW Karlsruhe and Artimind's Robotics.
Weiss environmental technology has a special at the EU's research center, the Joint Research Center (JRC) test for lithium worthwhile storage planned and implemented. Of the Battery storage Test bench with high energy density allows for the first time CT recordings during the operation of the Batteries under stressful conditions.
If you throw a pebble-sized aluminum ball into a cup of filtered seawater, you get Hydrogen gas, which rises and escapes from the container within a few minutes. The engineers of the MIT optimize this simple chemical reaction as an efficient and sustainable way to produce green hydrogen, with which they imagine Engines or fuel cells can be powered on board sea-going vessels and underwater vehicles.
Robots can help doctors detect and treat tumors, for example by positioning a fine probe in the right place. So that Robotic imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging, IPA engineers have developed a new drive technology.
Augmented Reality Application Augmented things has the German Research Center for Artificial intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern an over 100 year old Pfaff Sewing Machine breathed new life into it. So if you no longer know how to operate the good old sewing machine, you can get information on how to use it via smartphone or tablet.
With quantum computers the limits of computing efficiency can be greatly expanded. They will solve problems that computers cannot cope with today. However, they could also be used for other purposes in order to make the currently common public key encryption methods unsafe. Rohde + Schwarz cyber security therefore researches the defense against such threats.
It's an exciting new one Researchs area that is part of the megatrend Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important: the so-called Neuromorphic computingAlso Brain like computingg employs technology that mimics the human brain and nervous system. With this it could solve extensive associative learning problems. In addition, there is an opportunity to significantly reduce the energy consumption of the current silicon-based circuits. This works in the EU project Neuronn, which started in 2020 Fraunhofer EMFT.