German Online Publisher GbR
Jens & Angela Struck
Sirchenrieder Strasse 4
86510 Ried-Germany

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Chief Editor

Angela Struck
Fixed telephone: + 49 82 33 / 21 20 944
Mobile: + 49 159 / 05 081 226
Email: [email protected]
Fax: + 49 82 33 / 21 20 968

(For editorial submissions: [email protected])


Jens Struck
Phone: + 49 82 33 / 21 20 970
Email: [email protected]
Fax: + 49 82 33 / 21 20 968

Internet: and and and the partner site

Responsible according to § 10 3 paragraph MDStV Angela and Jens Struck (address above)


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