
Sitting is the new smoking, the media write in large numbers today, it is about the topic of sedentary lifestyle by and large Ergonomic computer workstation in particular. Especially in the current one Home Office Establishment due to the corona epidemic, many have the problem of not being properly equipped. Therefore, we have put together a few tips from well-known office furniture manufacturers so that you are ergonomic sit properly or also stand.

Ergonomics in the workplace




The proverb: As you go to bed, you sleep, can be translated for everyday work with How you sit down, that's how you work. Many people spend a large part of their working time at the desk in front of the computer workstation or have several monitors in front of them at the same time - especially planners, designers and development engineers. Studies show that people who often, long or even permanently work at their desks and fixate on the monitor are not doing themselves or their health any good.

Corona crisis makes home office socially acceptable

The corona crisis has resulted in millions of people working at home. Even if this is to gradually curb the spread of the infection, it carries other risks. Professor Rüdiger Reer, General Secretary of the German Sports Medical Association (DGSP), warns that if you do not take countermeasures, the lack of movement at the computer workstation in the home office can lead to metabolic diseases, cardiovascular problems, musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, neck and shoulder diseases and even death (FAZ, March 27.03.2020, XNUMX).

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Warnings such as "Sitting is the new smoking" are justified, but ergonomics at the computer workstation did not just exist since yesterday. Play the most important role Stand-sit tableswhose share in German offices is now around 35% - and the trend is rising. Experience shows that these variable tables are needed even more urgently in the home office, because you have much less freedom in private living areas than in the office.

Ergonomic computer workstation with laptop

In the home office, most people work on their PCs / laptops. In the course of the corona crisis, many companies first had to equip their employees with it. Therefore, at this point we turn to the question: How do I set up a Laptop workplace ergonomically? The video from AOK Rheinland / Hamburg shows how it works:


Change of load between sitting and standing

Spine and intervertebral discs are loaded twice as much when sitting, especially with a hunched back, than when standing upright. With height-adjustable work tables the conditions can be adjusted to suit body size and reach of Mouse keyboard and other work equipment of the user and even save. So even several people can use one desk. This not only makes sense in the office, but also offers a certain degree of flexibility at home for those who live and work in the household.

With stand-up tables, the healthy changes in stress easily adjusted between sitting and standing. This has a positive effect on muscles and joints and promotes long-term relaxed work. This is achieved with the high tables from the specialist for workplace systems Krieg from Heimsheim in an uncomplicated way and with little conversion effort. The table can be comfortably and continuously adjusted in height via a motor drive.

A Meerbusch office furniture specialist also offers such a suitable tool. In January 2020, when the Corona-related withdrawal to the home office was not yet foreseeable, Inwerk Sit-stand table turntable launched for the home office. Only a few weeks later it turns out that the table closes an acute gap in the market.

Change of posture more important than office chair quality

The demands of home workers are certainly met by the fact that you can work sitting and standing at the compact 70 x 70 cm large and yet electrically height-adjustable table. Dem regular change of posture Incidentally, orthopedists and ergonomists ascribe far more importance than a good office chair. Of course, this should not replace the latter.

In your own four walls there is not always a study or sufficient space for a standard desk. The Inwerk table, on the other hand, can be placed anywhere and can even be folded up at the end of the day. Hence its name “turntable” (push it into the corner).

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If the home worker moves his work center back to the company one day, his table could be loud Jens Hohenbild just move with. The Inwerk managing director has 1200 questionnaires sent to his customers and, based on the responses, assumes "that in the future more people than before will work from home at least temporarily."

App makes it easier to keep moving

At Steelcase, not only are the height-adjustable tables movable, but also their users should be when they work on them. Of the Ology table has one in its latest version Touch functionwhich continuously encourages users to exercise more throughout the day. The Rise app documents the progress made.

Stand up to work is a long-term study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management. It shows how working at height-adjustable tables significantly improves concentration, productivity and health. Over a increased concentration and productivity at work report 65% of participants who work at a height-adjustable table. The same number of employees indicate that using the height-adjustable tables outside of their computer workstation has a great positive impact on their health. 47% of the study participants have suffered significantly since then less tension in the neck, shoulder or back.

The Ology product line includes a variety of height-adjustable tables and benches. It puts the physiology and health of employees at the center of a more health-conscious work environment.

The monitors are getting bigger and more

An important prerequisite for an ergonomic computer workstation is also sufficient space to set up the screen or monitor and other equipment. In addition, the screen, keyboard and mouse should be set at the correct distance from the user. CAD workstations for example, are now often equipped with a large screen or multiple monitors. You must not limit the actual work surface in order to create an ergonomic computer workstation. The screens should also have a high resolution so as not to strain the eyes too much.

Simon Patrick Hausner, Sales Manager at Krieg commented: "The screens are large these days, I see 27 inches and larger, because detailed drawings are created and discussed in the relevant industries." In the context of the ergonomics concept, it therefore applies from his point of view observe the following points:

  • Size and number of monitors
  • See distance and angle
  • How can you ward off annoying reflections?
  • Hides something, e.g. B. Window?
  • Illumination and illumination in the room
  • Incidence of light and illuminance levels
  • Indoor climate in the office
  • Acoustics in the office
  • Disturbing environmental stimuli
  • Noise and radiation emissions
  • Position of computer, printer and other devices: next to, below, on top - or in a separate room?
  • Position of keyboard, mouse and other input devices such as graphics tablets or digitizers
  • Space to spread out plans, folders, filing, etc.
  • Do you have meetings and discussions at your desk, and if so, with how many colleagues?

Ergonomically connecting screens seamlessly

Two or even three screens are now standard even in a normal office workplace and in the departments Product development. In practice, however, the screens are often not set up and aligned exactly flush with one another. This is how a Space that distracts the eye and tired because it has to accomodate every time you switch from one screen to the other.

The magic word is that screen snap Connector of the startup Connected View. This is very easy to prevent. The screens are firmly but detachably connected at the desired angle from 0 to 45 degrees. To do this, the user pulls the protective film from the adhesive strips on the back and connects the screens with two screen snaps. He then sets the desired angle and locks the wings. The angle is fixed, but can be changed again at any time. The connection can be detached any number of times because the angle can be adjusted Connecting element a magnet is installed.


Right or wrong Angle for positioning there are actually no two or three screens, ”replies Jonas beans, CEO Connected View, on the question of how best to position several screens in relation to one another. “I did some studies some time ago. A vertical angle of 15 degrees was always recommended - regardless of the screen diagonal. I therefore recommend: Try out what is most comfortable for you and your work. ”This is exactly what you can do optimally with the Screensnap, because the angles can be loosened and fixed again and again.

The screensnap came with the German Design Award 2020 excellent. The direct connection of the screens means that the rotation of the head is minimized. This not only relieves the strain on the eyes, but also on the neck muscles.

What does the ergonomic CAD workstation look like?

Far more than just a large office table - according to the war, this should be a CAD workstation. The manufacturer and specialist of workplace systems sends its certified ergonomics coaches to companies to get an idea of ​​office furniture, table tops, shelves, lighting, etc. on site and to advise them?

"Our focus is therefore on the optimal ergonomic workplace," explains Mr. Hausner. As a trained and IGR-certified ergonomics coach, he provides companies with the right measures for CAD workstations. In doing so, he takes into account the various requirements of the Standards and EU directives such as the VDU work ordinance for employee protection and gives tips and help after the workplace analysis for the ideal physical use in everyday work such as fitness exercises and the alternation between sitting and standing.

Mouse power of a CAD engineer

A CAD engineer clicks and scrolls with his mouse according to 3D Connexion 1500 times an hour. At the end of the week, he had more than 1 km distance covered. The video shows how the 3D mouse specialist can help.


Organization at the computer workstation also creates ergonomics

Special shelves help organize the desk in the sense of the Lean thoughtss to organize. Resources and performance can be increased significantly through self-organization and ergonomics. "I often come to companies and see how the CAD workstations are literally littered", sums up Coach Hausner.

Catalogs, plan rolls, papers and materials are piled up on the tables just like utensils, bags and clothes. Cell phones and tablets are charged here, food and drinks are standing around and hanging around Cables are not uncommon. "There the ergonomic workplace must be freewithout distractions and blockages. Only what is actually needed for added value should be at hand. ”This is of course all the more important in the home office, where space is also limited.

Printers, plotters and other IT equipment should never be directly at your desk because this is where they are Fine dust from the toner and heat generation from the devices arise. Anything a little further away allows the employee to move. Material, folders and catalogs that you only need now and then can meanwhile be stowed in cupboards, drawers and filing systems and quickly found again. Mr. Hausner advises: "Even if the lean principle can never be implemented 100 percent, a lot can be sorted and tidied up well." Of course, all this advice in the home office is only to be seen as a suggestion, because here you have to rely on the space Adjust conditions.

Sitting correctly on ergonomic chairs

According to the Austrian furniture industry, in addition to regular movement, an ergonomic office chair is the be-all and end-all. It adapts to every movement and supports the posture. The synchronous mechanism ergonomic office chairs ensure dynamic and thus ergonomic sitting thanks to the synchronous inclination of the seat and backrest. The sitting position is adjusted to the respective leg length via a height-adjustable seat. It is best if the feet are flat on the floor so that the heels are directly below the knees.

The backrest The office chair is ideally slightly springy and anatomically shaped with a lumbar support. This supports the S-shape of the spine and relieves the lumbar region. To properly support the whole body, the backrest should reach at least to the shoulders. Armrests with adjustable height and width relieve the shoulder girdle and prevent tension. Comfortable upholstery of the seat and backrest also distributes the pressure of the body weight. So pressure peaks can be avoided and the Blood circulation is promoted.

Home office as a permanent computer workstation

A distinction must be made between whether someone always or only temporarily works in the home office. If the former is the case, in most cases you will have a real study and not just the "corner" of the living room. If you always work at home, you should put a lot of emphasis on that correct ergonomics at the computer workstation lay. This is as important as the optimal mattress for a good night's sleep. After all, you spend more time here in normal business than anywhere else in your own four walls.

What to do about the mouse arm?

In addition to checking Mr. Hauser's 14 points above, I would like to add a few more tips, especially if your neck or back occasionally hurts, you have a headache or your mouse arm pinches from time to time. Maybe you already know that when every click hurtsuntil the pain slowly spreads, first reaching the forearm, later arriving in the upper arm until even the neck hurts. In the worst case, you won't even be able to stretch your arms vertically in the air.

Once you have reached this status, it can take a long time for such a disease to be cured. And it doesn't go away on its own. Here are mostly lengthy therapies necessary. I know some people who have struggled with this for months. So don't let it get that far, take precautions.

Take care of the ergonomic adjustment of your table to the chair, the armrests. Invest in ergonomic office furniture, Your body will thank you. In this way you can eliminate numerous complaints before they even arise. With a ergonomic keyboard and mousewhich take some getting used to, the expected improvement quickly occurs in the initial stage. If you actually use your computer mouse and keyboard for several hours, you can use small relaxation exercises to prevent excessive strain that can lead to the mouse arm.

  1. shake Several times an hour you vigorously exercise your hands and arms.
  2. stretch them your hands by making a fist with your thumb in it. Open and close the fist ten times in a row. Spread your fingers.
  3. revolve then alternately swing your hand to the left and right with a clenched fist and spread your fingers.

If the first complaints have already set in, I can recommend the following exercises from the AOK. For me it helps Initial stage excellent when I do the exercises once a day. It takes two or three days and the symptoms are gone. Small dumbbells for a few euros are sufficient here. I use 1,5 kg dumbbells.

When there is no movement in the home office

If you work in the home office, many movements are omitted, none of which represent any sporting activity, but still bring a certain balance to constant sitting. There would be way to work Taking a walk from the S-Bahn or from the parking lot to the company, maybe riding a bike, going on business trips in the company, walking during the lunch break.

Instead, the corridors are limited to a few meters from the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and immediately afterwards to the desk. You should therefore also exercise regularly at home. Use for example Telephone calls for a little workout - regardless of whether you can walk around in a circle in just one room or have an entire house at your disposal. Research small, efficient exercises on Youtube or Vimeo that suit you and your complaints. It is best to do this preventively right away. The internet is full of them, find really good guides from professionals.

And do it The break. Go to the fresh air. After a short walk, you will feel fresh again. Sports activities after work such as jogging are of course always helpful. Never stay at your desk from 8 a.m. to 18 p.m. Your body and especially your back will thank you.

Biodynamic light for the office

19.05.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX | The new light management system 'Pulse VTL' by Waldmann imitates the dynamic course of daylight and thus brings the natural light experience and its positive effect to the office workplace. The manufacturer has implemented a first implementation of biodynamic daylight tracking for the special needs in the office in the new LED floor lamp 'Lavigo'.

product manager Klaus Jürgen Hahn basically explains: "We want to support people in the workplace with biologically effective light and not manipulate them". Depending on the time of day, the natural impulses are therefore set, starting with activation in the morning due to higher blue components in the light. The indirect component of the Lavigo simulates the course of daylight in a programmable control curve. The natural activation that promotes concentration and performance takes place via this flat room light. The direct component has a neutral light color of 4000 Kelvin. The user can switch and dim this part according to his needs. "With this combination, we achieve the best possible visual comfort in the workplace," says Mr. Hahn.

The biological effectiveness of light

The fact that light is biologically effective at all is still relatively new scientific knowledge. While the visual and emotional effects of light have been known for a long time, researchers only discovered it in 2002 retinal ganglion cells in the eye and were thus able to prove the non-visual effect of light.

The biological effectiveness of light depends on the color temperature or the dynamics, the illuminance, the surface area and the direction of the light. Color temperature and illuminance change dynamically over the course of the day. Of the blue component in the light activates and suppresses the hormone melatonin. Illumination levels between 500 and 1500 lux are already biologically effective. However, the light has to be large and hit the eye from the front and above.

Although biologically effective lighting sometimes has significantly higher levels of illuminance than the standard stipulates, it can also be energy-efficient. "To do this, we rely on the latest, highly efficient LED modules and our Pulse daylight and presence sensors," says Hahn. "These alone sensors reduces energy consumption by almost half".

The provider achieves planning security for dynamic and flexible lighting solutions in the group office by using the light management system 'Pulse Talk'. As a result, the floor lamps communicate via one wireless radio standard in groups with each other. As a result, the indirect, dynamic light component can be uniformly regulated so that an even color mood is created. In order to still act efficiently, there is no direct light at unoccupied workstations. In principle, the user can influence his floor lamp at any time and can switch both the direct and the indirect light component individually.

Achieve maximum productivity with the perfect office climate

  • Ensure an appropriate temperature (approx. 20 °C) and sufficient humidity (approx. 50%) in the working environment.
  • Ventilate sufficiently, but avoid constant draughts.
  • Use green plants to filter pollutants from the air.
  • In order to reduce the noise level in open-plan offices, soundproof walls should be erected.

Definition of a screen workplace

In order to be able to work at a VDU workstation, certain ergonomic requirements must be met in order not to unnecessarily strain the body. The screen, keyboard, table, chair and template holder should be individually adjustable and movable by each user. A footrest may be required for smaller people if the table is not height adjustable. The character display on the screen should be sharp, large enough and flicker-free, while the viewing distance should be between 50 and 80 cm depending on the screen size. In addition, there shouldn't be any major differences in brightness between the screen and its surroundings, and there shouldn't be any reflections on the screen.

What is included in a computer workstation?

A computer workstation typically includes some or all of the following: a monitor, a keyboard, a pointing device (such as a mouse), one or more system units (desktops and laptops) and/or servers, peripherals such as printers, Scanners, speakers, etc., cables for power and communication signals, connectors for data transfer between multiple pieces of hardware, software programs required to operate the devices, network connections for online access.

Author information
Angela Struck

Angela Struck is editor-in-chief of the development scout and freelance journalist as well as managing director of Presse Service Büro GbR in Ried.

Schmidt coupling
Michael Koch