Rauscher now has the TDI line camera from the Korean manufacturer views in the sales program. This CMOS / CCD line scan cameras have hybrid Sensorsthat combine the best from the CCD and CMOS sensor world. The fast Camera Link and Coaxpress line scan cameras have up to 256 TDI stages, which guarantee maximum sensitivity.

Rauscher CCD line camera

Vieworks offers the TDI line scan camera based on self-developed Hybrid sensors for tasks of Image Processing in production. These cameras combine the image quality of a CCD with the speed of a CMOS and thus offer the optimum of both sensor worlds.

CCD line scan cameras for the fastest production processes

Resolutions from 2160 up to 23.360 pixels cover a wide range of applications. With line rates of up to 250 kHz, these cameras can keep up with the fastest production processes.

Rauscher CMOS cameraIndustrial cameras with Global Shutter CMOS sensors

The Time-delay integration technology (TDI) with up to 256 TDI stages increases the sensitivity of the camera significantly compared to single or dual line sensors. This allows you to work with the camera at high speeds, reduces the lighting effort and ensures improved depth of field by dimming the optics.

IDS stereo vision camera3D Camera | Industrial image processing


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