simulation software is an integral part of CAE and is now an indispensable part of product development. Through amazing simulations such as digital twins in manufacturing and thermal analysis in electronics or the beginnings of Metaversum engineers can make precise predictions and Product development This article presents the latest innovations and applications.

Dualis simulation software


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CFD simulation reduces risk of infection

Dassault Systems CFD simulation03.05.2021 | In the wake of the Corona pandemic, CFD simulation is being used to optimize existing Safety measures used in a wide variety of facilities. So had Dassault Systèmes with its Simulia software supports, among others, the Paris hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière AP-HP and the GEA canteen.

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3D simulation software designed by power users

17.02.2021 | The simulation software Visual Components from dualis. With factory simulation, visualization of the processes or emulation in 3D, complex automated production can be planned in advance and time and costs can be saved in project planning and ongoing operations.

As part of the partner program Visual Components Power User users can actively participate in the development. The 3D simulation platform is suitable for robot Simulation and simulations of material flow and systems in production. The advantages of 3D are particularly evident in the current corona crisis, in which on-site presence is only possible to a limited extent Simulation software.

Aucotec opens the gate to the 3rd dimension in Engineering Base

It can be used to demonstrate the efficiency of systems or material flows in virtual space before commissioning. Now there is a new feature of the system. With Stage for Visual Components cloud-based online conferences can be simulated with functions for presentation and customization.

Dualis develops add-ons and Services for the simulation software. The company involves users in this process. “Software solutions are not rigid systems, but rather live to a large extent from user experience and individual needs. This is how ecosystems are created, ”explains Heike Wilson, Managing Director of Dualis GmbH IT Solution "Visual Components is constantly adapted to the latest requirements through the experience of our users and the know-how of our engineering team."

Align simulation to individual requirements

With the Power User program, the partner benefits from, among other things, individual special conditions in License purchase and maintenance and a betting agreement as a reference customer. In addition, functions can be designed and tested. Power users receive, for example, previews of future tool developments.

Construction software for lightning-fast product development

You can be targeted Feature requests and carry out preliminary tests of the add-ons. The partner program also includes the option of developing a joint venture. Partners can help develop individual features or add-ons to simulate their special requirements.

Simulation example of material flow in the semiconductor industry

The power users can be in direct contact with the Visual Components Headquarter in Finland or (outside of the pandemic) on site to get an exclusive insight into the processes, where you can exchange ideas directly with the developers. The individual 3D simulation software resulting from this service can finally be continuously adapted to the user's needs.

Material testing and simulation for offshore wind turbines

Freudenberg Material Testing22.01.2020 | Freudenberg Sealing Technologies (FST) has developed a process for Materials testing and Simulation method for elastomer materials that can be used to improve the performance and service life of components in offshore wind turbines. The material simulation analyzes how the materials behave over the service life of a turbine.

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The first robot simulation in the cloud is launched

20.07.2020 | A world first announces the start-up Drag & bot with the free Robot simulation for the significantly easier planning of Automation in factories. CAD models of cell and robot gripper are used to estimate the feasibility, cycle time and accessibility of the application in a few minutes by means of simulation.

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Simulation software for the behavior of the transmission and drive train

Kisssoft gear simulation13.03.2020 | Functionbay and KISSsoft present a simulation software and two toolkits that can be used to improve the dynamic behavior of transmissions through simulation. With such optimization, designers can meet today's requirements for reducing noise and vibrations in transmissions and drive trains.

The tool GearKS offers seamless access to the Kisssoft contact analysis for straight and helical gears. During the dynamic calculation in Recurdyn, GearKS determines the forces, moments and stiffnesses relevant for modeling gear pairs in each iteration step, based on the proven Weber/Banaschek model. The detailed definition of the gear set can be entered either by reading in a Kisssoft file or using the Kisssoft user interface.

recurdyne uses BearingKS, the bearing calculation from Kissssoft. simulation software is based on the approach of ISO 16281. It determines the contact situation of all rolling elements in each iteration step. With BearingKS, the extensive Kisssoft warehouse database is supplied with the data from tens of thousands of bearings. 

Both toolkits are supplied with the software that is required for execution in the Recurdyn environment, so that no external Kisssoft installation is necessary.

Real-time simulation software for mechatronic machines

Altair Simulation mobile AM16.10.2019 | Altair announces the expansion of the Altair Partner Alliance (APA) to include CM Labs Simulations' advanced visualization and real-time multibody simulation software "Vortex Studio Create". The software is now available for use by Altair HyperWorks customers, who can use the virtual training environment to gain real-time insights for all device types.

The one with that Vortex Studio Desktop Editor The simulations created can be easily used as interactive and immersive driver-in-the-loop simulators and integrated into realistic scenes with 3D effects and modern real-time renderings. By incorporating people, weather, vegetation and water into the simulation, designers can enhance the user experience for users with highly immersive environments.

Vortex Studio enables design teams to operate mechatronic Simulate and visualize devices in a virtual operational environment. Engineers can evaluate the practicality, mobility and usability with a driver or control systems in-the-loop, with the device interacting with the virtual environment.

This includes the simulation of wheels and tracks on soft ground, loading shovels and other digging or pushing soil tillage equipment, cable systems and chains, Fluid dynamics and contact physics. It is a virtual sandbox for numerous device applications such as off-highway, marine equipment, military ground vehicles and mobile Robotic.

Simulation of high-precision optical systems with plastic lenses

Imos optics simulation08.02.2017 | Imos Gubela has many years of experience in the development of high-precision optical systems. The company simulates and produces high-precision optical systems with plastic lenses from prototypes to series production. The optics specialist relies on a simulation tool that takes into account the material and production-related tolerances.

Modern plastics offer a number of advantages over glass for the manufacture of optical systems. Plastic lenses are significantly lighter, can be quickly manufactured in large quantities and are relatively easy to assemble into complex systems. However, material-specific characteristics must be taken into account for the optimal design of the lens and frame.

Humidity, ambient temperature and mechanical stresses caused by incorrect lens mounting affect the optical beam path more easily than with glass lenses. For the development of high-precision optical devices such as sensors, Optical systems Thanks to modern computing power, it is at least superficially easy to simulate. However, in practice there are unavoidable deviations from the ideal conditions in the manufacture of lenses and the conditions at the place of use also have to be taken into account.

In addition to the theoretical principles, the simulation tool used also takes into account all material and production-related tolerances. In the connected production, even complex plastic lens systems can then be manufactured precisely in series production on the basis of the simulation. For example, the deviation of a double lens with two different focal lengths is only 3 μm. Statistically speaking, one million lenses only one or two optics deviate from the calculated value.

When implementing an optical idea, the simulation takes into account a large number of parameters depending on the later application conditions, which are not necessarily immediately apparent. For example, the usual optical plastics such as PMMA (Plexiglas), for example, in their expansion when there are fluctuations in temperature or humidity (plastics breathe). For precise Sensors, which are used in different climate zones around the world, this must be taken into account during development. A combination of lenses that compensate for each other's changes in temperature, for example, is one solution.

The mount of the lens system is also included in the calculation process. Is it suitable for practical use or does it cause tension, does the unit warp when heated or exposed to moisture? Are the tolerances of the lens mount, the light source and the detector such that the optical system works as expected? Even the smallest deviations of less than 1/10 mm are crucial here. The specialists simulate the Interaction of all influences from the lens to the frame to the seal.

Source: This article is based on information from the following companies: Altair, Dassault Systémes, Drag & bot, Dualis, Freudenberg, Imos Gubela, Kisssoft.

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